After a 9-month unavoidable absence, the original Skip's House of Chaos is back online. From now until December 31, both it and Chaos Unbridled (this one) will run concurrently. As of January 1, 2016, this site will become inactive (but all previous posts will remain available), and all new posts will be solely on the new (old) site.

Friday, September 11, 2015

S'more Jokes, Puns, and One-Liners

“But I can’t conquer China, it’s way too big…”
Now Genghis, what do we always say?
“I’m Genghis Khan, not Genghis Khan’t”


The worst thing about being self-employed is that your boss also thinks it’s a great idea to just go play Jetpack Joyride.


I’m an adult male, and I have never, ever noticed if a woman’s thighs touch or not.

I’m usually more focused on, “Yay, a woman! I like those!”


I want to create a Facebook account and the name will be “Nobody.” That way, when I see some of the dumb sh*t people post, I can “like” it and it will say, “Nobody likes this.”


“Meetings” – What Jamaicans call everything they own.


Why couldn’t the Sith Lord keep his lightsaber still?
He had Darth-ritis.


Saying “I’m sorry” and “I apologize” basically mean the same thing…
         …except at a funeral…


Do you want to hear a Jonestown joke?
Actually, never mind. The punch line was too long.


If a girl says, “First of all”, just run. There has never, in the history of mankind, been a good “first of all”.  You’ve never heard a girl say, “First of all, we’re going to have sex.” “First of all” means that girl has done research, has data and pie charts ready, and you are done.


The friendzone is sort of like when someone turns you down for a job, then calls you every week and complains about the guy they hired.

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