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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Unlikely Simultaneous Historical Events

Spain was still a fascist dictatorship when Microsoft was founded.

There were no classes in calculus in Harvard’s curriculum for the first few years, primarily because calculus hadn’t been invented yet

Two empires (Roman and Ottoman) spanned the entire gap from Jesus Christ to Babe Ruth.

When the pyramids were being built, wooly mammoths were still living.

The last use of the guillotine was in France the same year Star Wars came out.

Oxford University was already over 300 years old when the Aztec Empire was founded.

Pablo Picasso died the year Pink Floyd released “Dark Side of the Moon” (1973).

Prisoners began to arrive to Auschwitz a few days after McDonalds was founded.

Coca Cola is only 31 years younger than Italy.

Marilyn Monroe and Queen Elizabeth II were born in the same year.

The Ottoman Empire still existed the last time the Chicago Cubs won the World Series

When pilgrims were landing on Plymouth Rock, you could already visit what is now Santa Fe, New Mexico to stay at a hotel, eat at a restaurant and buy Native American silver.

The first wagon train of the Oregon Trail headed out the same year the fax machine was invented.

The Pyramids of Giza were as old to the ancient Romans as the ancient Romans are to us.

The 9/11 tragedy is now closer to the fall of the Berlin Wall than the current year.

Today's oldest living tree was 1000 years old when the last Wooly Mammoth died.

Nintendo formed the same year Van Gogh painted Starry Night.


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