After a 9-month unavoidable absence, the original Skip's House of Chaos is back online. From now until December 31, both it and Chaos Unbridled (this one) will run concurrently. As of January 1, 2016, this site will become inactive (but all previous posts will remain available), and all new posts will be solely on the new (old) site.

Monday, December 28, 2015

The Last Monday Mind Game of the Year

There is an official tour in a big city where there are 100 buildings.

Building 1 is named First Building.
Building 2 is named Second Building.
Building 3 is named Third Building, and so on.

You decide to walk past all the buildings, and find them all numbered that way, with the single exception of Building 62.

The tour guide explains that the locals have given it another name.

What is the name of the building?

Give up?

Drag your cursor between the asterisks for the answer


It's called the "One-Minute Building
Building 62 is the sixty-second building;  sixty seconds = one minute


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