After a 9-month unavoidable absence, the original Skip's House of Chaos is back online. From now until December 31, both it and Chaos Unbridled (this one) will run concurrently. As of January 1, 2016, this site will become inactive (but all previous posts will remain available), and all new posts will be solely on the new (old) site.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

You Know You're a Scuba Diver When...

~You correct non-divers for saying when scuba divers breathe oxygen instead of air.

~You pay your neighbors in abalone for dogsitting.

~Your cubicle looks like an aquarium.

~More than half of your conversations begin with "How's the viz?"

~You stagger into work an hour late on Monday morning, no one things you were out drinking, but instead asks if you have any dive pictures.

~You're determining whether you can afford to go with the Ikelite DS-125 strobe if you apply to a couple fewer medical schools.

~You had gear insurance before you had health insurance.

~You refer to your time at work as "offgassing" between dives.

~The dive shop owners, motel workers, and waitresses in a city three and a half hours away know you better than your boss does.

~You're nicer to people who cut you off in traffic because they have a dive flag sticker.

~You get into more arguments about the genus of a mystery nudibranch than you do about politics.

~You constantly dream of moving to the tropics.

~You are introduced to new people as, "This is _____. He's a scuba diver."

~You have more C-cards than credit cards.

~Someone says, "Want to see some Nudi pictures?" and you expect them to be brightly colored sea slugs of various genus.

~One of the primary considerations of which new car to buy is how much dive gear it will hold.

~You compare everything to the price of dive gear to determine if it's expensive.

~You have at least one dive flag sticker on your car.

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